Spirit-Led Evolution

…directed by your deepest knowing

using your intuition

…nourished by being & having

Living life powered by imagination!


I spent 30+ years delivering cutting edge technology solutions on behalf of pioneering start ups and Blue Chip corporations.

INNOVATION and DELIVERY are my superpowers. I serve my clients to THRIVE in TRANSITION, REVEL in CHANGE and ENJOY the JOURNEY that is life

A NATURAL SUCCESS award winning coach, I can serve you to DELIVER on your DREAMS and transform struggles and obstacles into pathways of GROWTH and EVOLUTION.

LIFE is a rich, rewarding ADVENTURE with intriguing destinations, not just a relentless pursuit to arrive.

What You Want Is Important

And You Can Have It All

Are you at the top of your game but still unfulfilled? A dedicated, exemplary professional, with a track record of overcoming challenges yet still feeling empty?

You are good at what you do. You are a skilled, professional with alot to offer, you are a human being who wants to live a rich, meaningful and satisfying life and you are not quite seeing the way through.

Perhaps you are looking for a change in career, or considering making a transition from employment to being your own boss. Or you may already be in that in between space, wondering if this is time to travel, start a family or create a new paradigm of work and life that honours what is really important to you.

My speciality is working in the unknown, harnessing the multi-dimensional powers of imagination and navigating the most direct path through terrain that is by it’s very nature impenetrable.

A Rockstar mentor and a Natural Success coach I combine my skills and talents to serve you explore your next evolution and to live the fulfilment you seek.

I am a guide to where there be dragons, a way finder in the mystery.

Evolutionary Mentoring, Coaching & Consultancy

Your Pathway to Natural Success


One Time

If YOU have an immediate imperative to solve a problem or dilemma or get a project off the ground.

Explore & transmute your thinking & direct your behaviour around specific & persistent dilemmas in your personal or business life.

OR to lay the groundwork for a new project. This session will distill your thinking and give you direction & clarity on your next steps.

OUTCOME: Clarity on your power & direction in the situation & action steps to progress.


6, 9 & 12 month packages

If YOU have a longer term vision for a richly rewarding life and you are ready to do the work to prioritise creating over fire fighting.

1:1 guidance to establish the vision for your life, to use intuitive wisdom & insights to take action & manifest all that you envision into being.

You will learn to direct your imagination & other tools that you can use to clarify your thinking & access deep wisdom on call.

OUTCOME: A richly rewarding life creating in line with your true nature & your gifts & talents.


Quarterly On Retainer

If YOU are committed to making a difference, ready to lead and leave a positive legacy as well as cultivate a deeply satisfying life

1:1 coaching to deliver business on your terms, to create a rich, meaningful life serving the greater good of humanity & the planet.

Learn to use & apply the best of rational thinking with the deep knowing of intuitive & imaginative wisdom.

OUTCOME: A business & legacy built on integrity guided by your deepest knowing.

Ahmad Jooma, UK

Each time challenges arose, I felt Anne was expert in her ability to keep me focused on my biggest goals and vision.

Coaching with Anne was an exploration into myself, what makes me tick, and how I best operate.

Anne steadily ebbed me towards a way of being that was aligned with my natural skills and talents. I learned to embrace who I was as an artist and to express my ability for expansive strategy.

Anne has an incredible ability to vividly express the truth behind my goals and challenges, and this unique characteristic is what separates her from other coaches.

Anne’s professionalism and conduct never once wavered, she walks her talk and lives a life she loves. I believe these are important characteristics and I would highly recommend Anne to anyone considering a professional coach.

Alison Pilling, UK & Greece

Working with Anne and imagination has built my confidence, belief in the process and vision.

Our sessions held gently, with empathy and structural grace, working with Anne since 2020 has helped me connect to my heart and creativity.

It’s been a breathtaking voyage of surprise and delight with a willingness to follow an increasingly stronger internal pull and voice. 

Kirsty Carr, Australia

Anne is not only an incredible coach, but a supportive, intuitive guide that helped me keep my focus and the belief in myself that I could create what I loved.

Not only am I now living life in alignment with my heart, but the creative structure Anne held me in, led to me win comedy championships, acting awards and be booked at prestigious events as a speaker and creative influencer. I get to travel the world teaching people about the brain, transformation, leadership and creativity.

Anne helped me to rise above my doubts and fears, and courageously choose my heart. For that I am forever grateful. Thank you, Anne ?

Benjie Dudgeon, UK

Working with Anne has been a life saver for my business. What Anne has given me over the last 12 weeks, are a set of skills to turn things around.

Before we started, I was encountering huge roadblocks, now I’ve totally shifted my market and they’re much more receptive to my offering.

The work has extended way beyond professional matters, and has helped me to find ways ahead with my son’s autism where before I just felt hopelessness.

Life is richer having worked with Anne, and I enjoyed each session with her. She is a great coach who affects lasting changes in her clients.

Sarah Watts, UK

The value I get from Anne’s coaching has made a huge difference in my life. 

I feel a combination of seen and heard and also encouraged to be the fullest expression of myself and my potential. 

Anne’s intuitive abilities are second to none and during the time coaching with Anne I’ve created a joyful business, family travels and a whole new experience of life.

Harpreet Sandhu, UK

Anne’s intuitive ability always amazes me in our sessions – and combining that with her unique leadership skills – really creates a WHOLE lot of magic! I feel supported and challenged in equal measure to be living a life in aligned to the highest truth of my heart and in my greatness.

There is nowhere to hide – every session a continual stride into creating more and more creative tension, so that my choices all naturally and effortlessly become created.

I leave our sessions feeling inspired and excited…and magic and miracles are therefore everywhere to be seen in my life. It’s been a transformational journey of being at the razors edge of my truth – and that’s where the magic happens!

Being coaching by Anne has been a complete game-changer for me in my life and business.

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Imagination is my ‘thing’ – it opens me up to a deeper, intimate experience of life. Join me and live your life powered by Imagination.

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    To schedule a complimentary 30 minute CATALYST CALL click HERE.

    Or to get results on a deeper dilemma or situation, schedule and pay for a BREAKTHROUGH 60 minute session + 7 day email support HERE.

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