Tag: Coaching

Is Coaching A FAD?

unsplash-logoJohn T

Everyone who is anyone has a coach and the flavour of the month is that anyone who wants to be ‘successful’ HAS to have a coach. All the BEST people have coaches and mentors but is coaching just a fad, a passing fashion?

Personally I am not comfortable with being labelled as a ‘coach’ – I am curious to explore other definitions but I digress. The truth is I have a talent for coaching. A talent that is both my gift and my Achilles heel. I am a dreamer, a seer and a purveyor of the future. The Vision of what is possible for someone else is so real for me and the path from the reality of where they are to the fullness of their potential is an illuminated dance of fairy lights: obvious and inviting.

BUT…. I am unable to see my own potential, my own gifts. Looking into my own light there is nothing there. Metaphorically perhaps I am blinded by it. My experience of life is often one of emptiness, nothingness, blank and uninspired. In this space I am heavy, weighty, impinging on life. Nothing to see, nothing to contribute, nothing to really live for. AND THAT is why I have a coach to hold the lamp when I am stumbling in the dark, to hold my Vision when I can’t see it for myself, to hold me with compassion while I die to living in the old structures of the darkness and die to believing the lie that I am nothing if I can’t see.

Choosing to live our full potential, to be who we truly want to be is a choice to walk into the light to, a choice to let go of fumbling in the shadows, a choice to believe that someone else can show and support me to be who I truly I am better than I can be by myself. I feel the imperative of showing my clients who they truly are. I feel the beating heart of their potential and I know that together we can climb the Everest of their dreams.

To be a coach in the true sense of the word, in the exciting, alive sense of the word is to bypass rational thinking and orient and act from the imaginal realm. To be coached from this perspective is about the courage to put your heart in the hands of a top surgeon who truly cares about you coming through the other side. It is about dying to who you think you are to become WHATEVER and WHOEVER you would really love to be. Coaching is serious stuff.

REAL coaching is a life enhancing, life expanding, mind blowing and spirit soaring. I choose to be a coach in the courageous sense of the word and my passion is to work with people who want to be the best they can be in life and put their pure talent into the world through their work and businesses. I work with a maximum of 3 clients at any one time to take their work/business to the next level taking time and care to forge and secure the path to your Everest.

Combining coaching with 25+ years creating and delivering high tech solutions to transform businesses I deliver a practical hands on offering as part of my Collaborative Coaching package as well as opportunities to connect and mastermind with others on the same journey.

SO…I have two openings in my collaborative coaching program for aspiring business leaders and entrepreneurs.

For a no obligation 45 minute consultation to show you the potential of our collaboration while these slots remain open send me a message or email anne@crossingfrontiers.co.uk to book a session.

For more information about me check out www.crossingfrontiers.co.uk.

The Way That I Choose

girl leprechaun 2I love the intuitive coaching work that I do, it is never a chore, rather always a pleasure to take a purposeful ride on my magic carpet.  Part of my learning has been to hold the tension of giving away sessions and casting my pearls before swine.  It is not that everyone hasnt got a heart and isnt at their core deeply imaginative and creative but unless they are open to a guide in that moment the seed may find itself in barren soil.  When I realised this my ego went into overdrive to try and work out ‘how’ it would be possible to discern the worthy from the unworthy, the open from the closed, those who would take action from those who wouldnt.  What a muddle.  I know I am always ready to take that ride so the key is to see who is willing to cross that threshold to meet me.  People’s willingness to pay is one way to judge that but it is not the only way.  I choose to listen to a deeper beat and know that money is not the only gold that is there for me on this journey.

This past week has revealed two beautiful testimonials from clients who didnt cross the threshold in the traditional way.  Lauren, whose journey and testimonal I shared in my last blog, won a session in my monthly FindYourMojo competition and Ronan, a chance meeting while on holidays in Ireland in 2012 just asked straight up for a session.  Ronan is Ronan Stone (dont you love the play on words!) a singer, song writer, writer, lover of words who has struggled with his place in the world.  He didnt have any money to offer but his request was so direct and true that there was nothing to do but grab a coffee at T Bay Surf Cafe and unhitch that carpet.

Within a couple of days of our session he wrote to thank me and say he had been racking his brains to find something to ‘pay’ me for it.  Really all he had to offer was a song.  I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to receive a song as a testimonial, I wont deny I dont get excited when I receive money, but Ronan’s song was a gift of gold straight from the soil of his heart.  That would have been enough but yesterday he sent me a full recording which I attach here.  I feel like the leprechaun at the end of the rainbow.

So it is a big thank you to Ronan Stone for the smile he puts on my heart when he sings this song.

The Way That I Choose.

I travelled far and wide looking for the muse
looking through this big bad world for significant clues
everytime i find an answer its steeped in the blues
now i see so clearly thats the way that i choose

so what next now that i see my way through
i think i have the answers but i feel like some kind of fool
these opposed perspectives they break each other’s rules
one way or the other its up to me to choose

from where I’m standing from my point of view
its all so clear now where before it was confused
i’m not saying that this way is for you
I’m just saying its the way that I choose


Although I have discontinued my monthly FindYourMojo competition Ronan’s experience has inspired me to offer a big reduction for one off FindYourMojo coaching sessions to kick start the year.  Normally £150 I am offering sessions for £50 if booked before 31 January 2014.  You will need access to an iPhone or iPad to download the FindYourMojo app from iTunes, following the instructions to find your two word MOJO and then email it to me below.