Tag: Pam Grout

Move over, Garmin! Following your joy is the best GPS

I love the GPS analog for finding our way home to our soul which is why I call my coaching toolbox app SatNav4TheSoul. Home has to = JOY. Thank you Pam Grout for putting it so succinctly and elegantly

“Evade every influence that keeps you frozen in the past. ” ― Rob Brezsny

The past is over! This is a powerful concept, it means that we can start with a clean slate, open to all and every possibility. There is a part of us that finds its safety in the past, that bases what is possible on what has already happened. To run a 4 minute mile isn’t about railing against the evidence, it is about forgetting the evidence of the past and about creating new visions of possibility. Now that is mastery being able to shift from the default human egoic option to the vision of our unique spirit that knows that we create the future. I am working on that muscle – how about you?

In Good We Trust

What we focus on we create: choose carefully, choose consciously