Category: Bite Sized Blogs

Cultivating The Sub Conscious Mind

Creating what matters to you is assured when you understand how to cultivate your sub conscious mind. It is not the BIG actions that count but the messages of purposeful intent. NOT taking action towards what matters tells your sub conscious mind that it doesnt matter.

What matters is that you can do it NOW not how BIG it is. What can you do NOW that plants the seed that you are on purpose?

And then DO IT.

unsplash-logoDawid Zawiła

My Camino Walk #1

My Camino Walk #1 is already an international #1 best ranking book on Amazon in Travel and Tourism; and a top 5 title in Motivation and Self Help. A compendium of stories from pilgrims who have walk the Camino to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Northern Spain. A rich collection from the practical to the personal it is published by Andrew Priestly.  I share my inner emotional roller coaster as one journey ends and another begins in my story The End Is Nigh

The Kindle version is on SPECIAL OFFER of 0.99p and here is a SAMPLE

Testament To Spirit

Crumpled parchment
Brittle translucent
Silently compliant and dissolving into death
The breathe of life blowing dandelion seeds into the wind
Tumbling lightly on this earth with carefree abandon
The delight of tenacious spirit holding on to the joy of being alive
Of being human.

A spiritual light housed in a skeleton lamp of sinew, bone and a little flesh
The eternal spark burning more brightly as the body slips away
Leaving the indomitable spirit
Naked in its brightness
A defiance to death’s puny grasp
A giggle into its inevitable embrace.

A light that isn’t doused but rather wends its merry way
Into the memory of our mind
Daisy chained to those who have gone before
And those who are still behind
Dancing fairy lights into the glade of night
A glided teasing invitation to join Immortality
And snuff goodbye to Time.


Special Offer I am inspired to offer a big reduction for one off FindYourMojo coaching sessions to kick start the year.  Normally £150 I am offering sessions for £50 if booked before 31 January 2014.  You will need access to an iPhone or iPad to download the FindYourMojo app from iTunes, following the instructions to find your two word MOJO and then email it to me below.

Finding Faith


Unicorn in Inverness

Faith is a deeply mystical word, associated with religion and divinity.   The dictionary definition of faith is a strong or unshakeable belief in something, especially without proof or evidence. I am respectfully in awe of those who stand stoic and strong in the face of life’s turbulence anchored by something unseeable beyond reason.  I have pondered faith for myself and as a lapsed Irish Catholic have a niggling sense that perhaps I have mislaid my token to pass through the gates of Heaven.  I am a doubter and a questioner, I like to grapple with concepts and ideas, turn them over and upside down, try them on for size.  I love the metaphor of the Bible, the hero’s journey of Jesus, the symbolism for my life but the one size Catholic hat doesnt work for me.  I like to bring my own style to bear.

I was triggered today to rethink my position on faith when I read the commentary of  Judge Thomas J. Troward on Romans 14:23 in his gem of a treatise on The Spirit Of Opulence. “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin” – he expands on faith as “not in accordance with our honest belief” and I have long been curious about the words “sin” and “evil” being Aramaic archery terms; sin meaning off the mark and evil being where that off target arrow falls [1].

Now my understanding of a belief is as a thought that through repeated thinking has worn a groove in the sub conscious mind over time.  The creation of beliefs is innately human, formed from childhood, they become deeply buried driving us to live unconscious lives playing out patterns to prove and further anchor our beliefs.

So if we all already believe then we already have faith! Perhaps the question becomes one of what we believe in versus what we want or believe we should believe in.  If the archer does not receive and act on the feedback from his sin to adjust his aim he will continue to be off the mark amplifying the tension of that sin and the angst of doubt.  If we do not see the truth of what we honestly believe in they there will always be dissonance between what we want to have in our lives and what we actually create in our lives.  So the journey seems to me not to be the one of finding faith outside ourselves, working out how others get their faith or why they believe in what they do but about seeing the faith we already have that is flawlessly creating the reality we experience.  When we uncover these beliefs then we can see how they serve us and where they dont we can consciously choose to take the power out of them and reframe our faith to hit the target of what we truly love and create the impossible, the magical.

Anne K. Scott uses intuitive coaching tools & the technology of imagination as an integral part of her work to reveal underlying beliefs that get in the way of the faith we seek to create the lives we would love.

Travelling Faster Than The Speed of Light

DYG Cover Image_19Feb13In 2008 I had been working for over 30 years in the business of information. I had created the freedom of being a contractor with big bucks, low responsibility, home working, swinging from intense periods of focused work and stashing money to extended adventures across the world  of amorphous travel and spending money.  Every now and then I would think there has to be more to life than this. By my mid 40s the soothing murmer was morphing into a demanding thunder and as I am discovering the journey of change pivots on critical moments; in this case a simple email invitation to come learn about my intuition.

I have learned that intuition serves the agenda of the heart, a broader and more multi-dimensional agenda than that of the ego and our need for survival.  I have revelled in learning this new language and the paradox of it that no matter how long you have been on the journey, there is always the joy of deeper heart connections married with the anticipation of new learning.

5 and a half years on from Darren Eden‘s first 3 day event in Central London and the roller coaster ride of screaming lows and gasping highs I have just been full circle at the latest incarnation of this workshop a sleek, mean love hugging machine. Superbly engineered, deftly managed and subtly delivered material. It may look like the same workshop but I am in a different place in time and space & I think I have just switched into warp speed, bitten into the next layer of the this fruit cake and ratcheted up the roller coaster ride.  Watch this space!

* Darren Eden is the founder of The Academy Of Greatness in the UK and author of the book Discover Your Greatness. His two day weekend Your Call To Greatness is an introduction to intuitive mastery and his 8 month training The Transformation gives you the structure to be an intuitive master in your own life.

A movie trailer for awe

Discovering the world, the mind, the vision of Jason Silva

Disagreeing with Confucius

Confucius turns up as the purveyor of wise and witty quotes from the profound to the absurd. Who doesnt aspire to to doing a job they love so that they will never have to work a day in your life? I cannot be the only one who has experienced that no matter where I go there I am or to be heartened and know the truth that the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.

The first thing to know is that Confucius was a real guy, a Chinese teacher, editor, politician and philospher who was born around 551 and lived until his early 70s dying in 479 BC. Like all the best of heroes his life was not plain sailing; he attained political recognition as Prime Minister of the State of Lu in his 50s. Under his influence the Prince and the State of Lu became increasingly properous and powerful. Ultimately this had a corrupting impact. Confucius stepped down his position in Lu and spent the rest of years touting his politics in the hope that he could put them to good us. This was not to be and he died dillusioned.

Confucius sayings are short and to the point; often laced with metaphor and using a play on words it is perhaps no surprise that this structure has been appropriated irreverently to capture witicisms that have nothing to do with personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity that were fundamental to Confucian philosophy. So we know that man who drops watch in whiskey wastes time is more about the foibles of English than a guideline for living and no offense to Confucius is intended. Life is simple when I can nod sagely with the deeply meaningful and laugh at the irreverent trueisms. Recently things have become a little more interesting. I have come across a Confucian saying that I cannot agree with or laugh at. The conclusion, to my consternation, is that I am in disagreement with this Chinese philospher of great standing.

Confucius says apparently that “he who cannot describe a problem will never find the solution to that problem.” In my experience much time is spent describing problems, wailing and bemoaning problems, dissecting and mulling over problems but not necessarily solving problems. The problems of world hunger, poverty, war are problems well described but despite the trojan efforts of the best of humanity we continue to struggle with them. The currency of human survival is the struggle to surmount and overcome problems. In support of Confucius it could be argued that the ability to effectively describe problems is underdeveloped but here I prefer to pull on the more recent observation of Einstein that “no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” The trick I believe is to subvert the consciousness of separation that is fundamental to the human perception of life and switch to a consciousness that is based on a unity that transcents the dimensions of time and space. Description is inherently a tool of the rational mind constrained by an egoic perception of the world. Imagination on the other hand is the paintbrush of the soul that can take us to the highest vibration of what we would love to create giving us a 360 degree view of what we rationally define as problem.  I was curious to read that Confucius was relatively unconcerned with the nature of the soul believing that the answer to  cultural and social problems was found in humanity itself, not in anything supernatural [1].  I wonder at the limitations that this puts on Confucian thinking.  I dont want to argue that Confucious is wrong and Einstein is right but rather to remind myself, to remind all of us to go for the premises that serve the greatest possibilities, to examine and question the received wisdom embedded in our thinking and in our culture.  It is only then that we live our lives at the highest vibration; skimming the hurdles to cross the finish line as the champion of our own truth.

[1] Leadership University, Pat Zukeran

Releasing My Heart


Just Passed Zennor is a John Piper painting I purchased when I was in Cornwall a few years ago on a wild elemental November weekend.  I have decided recently to part with it; my lifestyle has changed and it has languished in storage for the past 12 months or so.  And it feels wrong to keep this passion of colour locked away.  I realised that the painting is the window for my heart to access my creativity and to satisfy my yearning to live in wild places.  As I am no longer keeping my creativity in a box and I am choosing to explore and live wherever my heart sings I am free to let it go.  It will be auctioned at The Penzance Auction House (David Lay) in the next few weeks to release funds to invest in stepping into my life!

The Art Of Be-Keeping


It is a busy week
I like that it is a busy week
I get to dive into the minutae of my projects
To walk along the cracks between the disjointed pieces of life’s puzzle
To teeter on the edge of fast appearing crevices
Heart stretched across the yawning divide of chaotic icy waters
Head butting against stubborn realities
Learning to gently herd unruly beasts
Through the bucolic landscape of my soul
Calibrating to the whispering caress of divine breathe
And mastering the art of be-keeping